April 4th 2023 Meeting Minutes

April 4th 2023 Meeting Minutes

4TH, 2023

Present: Couns K. Connor, J. Hamer, J. East, D. Smith, N. Slater, P Browne, M Davies,
B. Taylor.

1.Welcome and introduction:..

2. Apologies

Couns Salton, Brookfield and Entwistle.

3.Declaration of interests :

Coun East declared an interest re the Scouts and Darwen Heritage Centre.

4 Minutes of the last meeting:

These were agreed.

4.2 Floral planters

Coun East said Herbert Parkinsn has agreed to pay for a new planter near the motorway,
this is a one off charge. New planters have already been placed just off the junction by
BWD. He is working with Four Seasons to purchase the new planter and one for Marsh
House. Coun Hamer suggested that in future years there is an opportunity to secure
annual sponsorship for the planters and the contents.

5. Public Forum


6 Mayors update

The Walking Football presentation has been publicised on the council website and sent to
the Lancashire Evening Telegraph for inclusion.

The Mayor is to attend the St Georges celebrations. Coun East said there had been a
problem with marshalling the event which would have involved costs to the Scouts, but this
had been resolved by BWD.


7. Deputy leaders report

Coun Connor has secured the flags and awaiting the poles. The old flags will be disposed
of. The big party for the Kings Coronation has been planned and publicised. The town
crier has been invited, Coun Davies to ensure he attends. The town council is donating
£100 to 11 primary schools and nurseries towards events for the children.

8. Correspondence

Dealt with in the meeting.

9. Updates

Life Education had asked for the four year rolling programme to be extended for a further
four years. It was agreed that it would be considered annually along with other annual
grants and paid out in May to allow for when a new council is formed.

Coun Taylor liaising with the scooter rally organisers over logistics.

Coun East said the awards committee had awarded £500 to Darwen Brass towards a
competition the band is entering.

A request for £1,000 from Blackburn and Darwen Brass Band towards expanding
rehearsal space has been referred back to the band for more information. The same for a
bid from the former ICI club.

Darwen Scouts had applied for funding towards marshalling a St Georges Day event.
This had been resolved and it was agreed that if the group needed extra funding for the
event, the awards committee would aim to help out.

An application for funding from Whitehall Park Supporters Group is to be referred back to
the group and re submitted as a parks bid.

Coun East had secured a quote for the heritage/industrial past project. It was agreed to
fund the first part of the project to the millennium globe, war memorial, paper roller at
Ashton Park and the tram turn at a price of £3, 701.88. It was agreed that BWD needs to
give permission before work starts.

10. Finance


£4,957.90 VAT refund.


£790 for R Hay for salary and expenses.
£112.71 – R Hay pension

£9.88 HMRC

£99.98 Kaspersky and Microsoft Office annual update.

£2,500 Annual donation to Darwen FC.

£2,500 Annual donation to Darwen Cricket Club.

£3,000 Annual donation to Darwen Heritage Centre.

£4,000 Annual Life Education donation.

£3,235.22 James Hallan insurance.

£1,285.20 United Flags for new flags.

£50 PAYE.

£128.74 Darwen Health Centre for healthy Darwen week.

£500 Darwen Brass donation.

£1,100 11 x £100 donations for Kings Coronation events at local schools and nurseries.

11. Any other business


12 Part 2 press and public excluded


13 Date of next meeting

May 23rd Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m. AGM first. Agenda items to be with the
clerk by
May 15th please

Author: Room Filler