December 6th 2022 Meeting Minutes

December 6th 2022 Meeting Minutes


Present: Couns K. Connor, J. Hamer, J. East, D. Smith, N. Slater, M. Davies, L.Salton, S.
Brookfield, B. Taylor and P. Browne.

1.Welcome and introduction:..

2. Apologies

Coun Entwistle.

3.Declaration of interests :

Coun Taylor on Derwent Hall.

4 Minutes of the last meeting:

These were agreed.

4.2 Former Nat West Bank

Coun Smith said BWD councils planning department had acted swiftly following
complaints that an advertising banner had been placed on this building.

5. Public Forum

Fran Riley, the public health development manager at BWD gave an update on work to
help people with mental health problems following a suicide in Bold Venture Park. Ms
Riley said the council is working with the relevant agencies to ensure help and
understanding on this sad issue is forthcoming for all.

6 Mayors update

Coun Brookfield thanked councillors for their support following the death of her mother..

7. Deputy leaders report
Coun Connor said the Remembrance Day services had been very well attended and well

8. Town planting

Coun East had circulated a comprehensive audit of the planters and floral arrangements in
the town and he identified the areas which needed attention or replacing. The cost of
purchasing a new planter is £335 and it was recognised that as there is a desire for quite a
few new planters, that this could be staggered. It was agreed that sponsorship for the
planters and for the maintenance and planting is needed. It was agreed that Coun East
would compile a priority list for the next meeting.

9. Kings Coronation and future of the flags

Coun Connor said there needed to be early planning for the Kings Coronation. Grants
may be available for celebrations as with the Queens Jubilee. Coun Salton proposed that
the council donate £100 to the primary schools and Turncroft Nursery as with the Queens
Jubilee. It was agreed that councillors would canvass the schools to ensure celebrations
are to take place.

It was agreed to compile an audit of the flags due to their condition and the cost of putting
up and taking down. Coun Taylor proposed that any ones which could be used, to be
allocated to the town centre first to ensure this area is covered. This was agreed by all

10. Derwent Hall

Coun East had met with the hall officials and they had explained the halls need for funding
to ensure the hall survives. Coun Connor said the council needs to move away from
providing long term grants and it was agreed these should be allocated for only four years
to allow a new council to re consider. It was agreed not to allocate money to Derwent Hall.

11. Council attendance

Coun Smith outlined the six month rule for attendance by councillors. Coun Slater
questioned why Coun Entwistle was exempt from rule and Coun Smith said she had a
special dispensation on health grounds.

Coun Andrew Walker had tendered his resignation from the council due to personal
reasons and work commitments. BWDs legal officer had outlined the next step due to the

12. Correspondence

A letter of thanks was received from Age UK for the grant for the walking football project.

13. Updates

Coun Slater praised the organisation of the annual bonfire and Coun Davies was thanked
for his hard work. Coun Brookfield asked that the security be looked at next year as it was
quite heavy handed for a family event.

Coun Connor was organising a concert in aid of the Mayors charity for December 11th.
Coun Connor confirmed a meeting is to be held with BWD over the logistics of Darwen

Extra funding had been given for the lights switch on and Coun Hamer asked for this to be
included in the budget for future years.

Coun Hamer asked if the town council and borough council could work together over
banners to advertise council events.

Coun East said the heritage centre officials had taken a photographic record of important
buildings in the town and conservation area to ensure a record is kept in case buildings are
subject to changes of use.

14 Finance


£7,000 Stonegate pubs for Darwen Live bar tender.

£3,803.08 Proceeds of Mayors bonfire for dementia charity.

£400 BWD contribution for Laneshaw Close fencing.

£25 Tickets for Mayors charity concert.


£30,000 Darwen Live contribution

£790 for R Hay for salary and expenses.

£112.71 – R Hay pension

£500 Laura Johnson for extra lights switch on.

£350.70 Darwen Cricket Club for extra lighting for bonfire.

£300 North West Medical Solutions for medical care for bonfire.

£528 Rhodium Guarding Solutions for bonfire security.

£31.50 K Connor for Mayors flowers.

£137.50 Poppy Appeal for Darwen for Remembrance Day.

It was agreed to keep the precept at £122,000.

15. Any other business


16 Part 2 press and public excluded


17. Date of next meeting

Tuesday, January 31st
, Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m. Agenda items to be with the clerk by
January 20th
please. Suggested meeting for AGM is May 16th.

Author: Room Filler