December 7th 2021 Meeting Minutes

December 7th 2021 Meeting Minutes


Present: Couns. L. Salton, J East, K. Connor, D. Smith, B. Taylor, E. Entwistle, M. Davies,
J. Hamer and S. Brookfield.

1.Welcome and introduction: Coun Salton welcomed councillors to the meeting.

2. Apologies

Couns. Browne and Walker.

3.Declaration of interests :

Couns Slater on RBL.

4 Minutes of the last meeting:

These were agreed.

5. Public forum

Janet Pearce from Keep Darwen Tidy has spoken to BWDs tree officer to arrange for a
tree to be planted, but said the red tape around it, meant it was a lengthy process.

She had also asked for a water refill system in the town. BWDs development officer said
it is hoped to provide a temporary one in the annexe and a permanent one in the market
hall, once renovations have taken place.

Ms Pearce asked why parking is still limited outside Wetherspoons Bar. Coun Smith said
this was due to Government Covid restrictions which are in place until mid 2022.

Coun. Smith had found out the relevant information to help a bar owner seeking to place
railings and double yellow lines outside the bar in Borough Road.

Concern was expressed over the organisation of the Remembrance Day service and the
lack of music and problems with the wreath laying. Coun East to speak to Royal British

6 Mayors update

Coun Salton had attended the peace vigil at Blackburn Cathedral, Mayors bonfire,
Turncroft nursery, Remembrance Day services, Darwen Vale presentation of prizes and
Christmas switch on. Coun. Smith said the lights switch on had been excellent. There had
been a problem with the town criers involvement, but this had been resolved. Coun.
Taylor congratulated the organisers of the bonfire, which raised over £3,000 for the local
branch of cancer research.

7. Deputy leaders report

Coun East to organise key fobs for the clerk and Coun. Entwistle. He is continuing to place
notices in the noticeboard, There will be a Darwen Deal meeting in the New Year. He said
regeneration in the Sudell ward is being worked with the local police.

The town council has donated funding towards allowing volunteers free entry into
Christmas films in lieu of a pantomime. It was agreed the system for distributing the tickets
was proving to be quite difficult.

8. Tony Harrison Memorial

Coun. Taylor had circulated details of Mr Harrison, who was passionate about raising
awareness of suicide. Following his death, a call had been made for a lasting legacy. Coun.
Taylor proposed that Mr Harrisons name is placed on the town scroll of honour and this
was agreed. Also to explore the possibility of a local heroes exhibition which will include
features on Mr Harrison and Maureen Savage from Moggies Cat Rescue, who has sadly
just died.

9. Finance

Paid in:

£46.28 James Hallam for insurance credit.

£3,324.74 proceeds of bonfire charity collection.


£749 R Hay for salary and expenses

£107.32 R Hay pension.

£3,324.74 Cancer Research, proceed of Mayors bonfire.

£2,485.16 Darren James for Darwen Live expenses.

£3,600 Future Agency, band for Darwen Live.

£10,000 BWD for Christmas lights contribution.

£75 RBL, poppy wreaths.

£300 NWEMS for medical assistance for the bonfire.

£2,340 Bright Sparks, fireworks for bonfire night.

£540 Rhodium Security for bonfire night.

£66 Post Office Counters for postage stamps.

10 Correspondence


11 Updates

Coun. Connor gave a detailed breakdown of the proposed budget. He proposed extra
reserve to be placed in the credit union.

The bill for the election costs has been queried with BWD.

The new town awards will be launched in early 2022. Coun Smith is to design the form.
Coun. Taylor to pass on a similar one from BWD sports council for information.


12. Any other business

It was agreed that the public forum is to be changed to questions to the town council’’ and
each person is given 3 minutes to speak. This is to allow the meeting to flow properly.

13 Part 2 press and public excluded

Two items were discussed.

14. Date of next meeting

February 1st
, Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m. Items for the agenda to the clerk by January
4th please

Author: Rebecca Hay