February 6th 2024 Meeting Minutes
Present: Couns, K. Connor, S. Brookfield, L. Salton, J. Hamer, J. East, D. Smith, N.
Slater, P. Browne.
1.Welcome and introduction:..
2. Apologies
Couns Entwistle, Taylor, Davies.
3.Declaration of interests :
Coun Slater on Royal British Legion.
4 Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed.
4.1 Heritage/Industrial Past Project
Coun East had secured a quote for repainting the towers on the leisure centre (£1,254),
restoration of Earcroft pump (£2,931) and Methodist graves (between £3,244 and £3,844).
These were accepted, with the exception of the graves project which is to be discussed to
ensure the correct work is done. A project for India Mill (£4,923) and India Mill wallpaper
printer (£5,000) to be completed in 2025 and so the final decision on the viability of the
project to be taken by the new council after May.
It was agreed that towers could be commissioned to sell and as spares. Coun East is to
obtain a quote for 10, 20 and 50 to compare the best deal. Prices could be for sprayed and
non sprayed.
Coun East to organise advertising on the town council website to gauge pre sales.
4.2Policing in Darwen
The Police and Crime Commissioner had replied as below:
Sergeant Dutton of the Darwen Neighbourhood Policing Team who has been in the post
for just over 6 months said:
In this time period – through the interventions of the Neighbourhood Policing Team,
alongside the Neighbourhood Taskforce who are based from
Darwen Police station, there has been:
30 per cent reduction in Burglaries
23 per cent reduction in vehicle crime
27 per cent reduction in anti-social behaviour.
Having the resources of the Neighbourhood Policing team and Neighbourhood taskforce
available on a daily basis allows the team to focus on issues highlighted within the locality
and resolve them as soon as possible.
In relation to the Neighbourhood policing team- as with any organisation- officers have
been off with illness – however one of them has now returned and the other will be
returning within the foreseeable future.
The funding secured from the Home office for anti-social behaviour known as Operation
Centurion – has also allowed the Neighbourhood team to focus resources on the areas
with increased anti-social behaviour and this funding is available for the foreseeable
4.3. Large poppies
Coun Slater said poppies had been placed on the spitfire.
5. Public Forum
Mr Tony Foster asked whether an equipment project for Friends of Darwen Cemetry would
come under the town awards and this was agreed.
6 Mayor’s update
The Mayor had attended Darwen Brass Band’s Snowman performance and the
pantomime at St Cuthberts and enjoyed both events.
7. Deputy leader’s report
Coun Connor gave a report from Darwen Deal and said the Balle Street site for industrial
units was progressing along with other manufacturing projects which will bring in jobs into
the town. Also plans for a café at the side of the library and it is hoped this will attract more
investment into the town.
Councillors expressed concern that all projects were not public knowledge and also that a
project for the new youth zone will lead to less car parking spaces. Coun Connor agreed to
ensure a link to the Darwen Deal information is made available on the town council
Also agreed to invite the main players of Darwen Deal to a future meeting.
Coun Connor had also responded to a survey by the Society of Clerks on the actual
involvement of town and parish councils in town deals.
8. Correspondence
BWD’s Local Plan update had been circulated via round robin.
9. Annual Awards
Coun Connor had prepared and circulated a draft budget which includes the annual
awards. Ideas and questions to be discussed at the March meeting.
10. Scooter rally
A request for up to £3,000 in funding had been received. The council is keen for the event
to become self sufficient and is to ask for a business plan/breakdown of costs for the
March meeting..
11 Updates
Coun Davies had circulated a comprehensive report on events and this was agreed. The
brass band competition has been moved to June 9th.
Coun Smith discussed the planning application for the new youth zone which will lead to
the loss of some car parking.
Coun East said there had been 3 applications for the town awards. Darwen Ladies FC had
been awarded £1,000 for new kit. Coun Slater asked that the money only be awarded if the
town council was recognised as the main sponsor on the kit and this was agreed.
Applications for money for a fridge at St James’s Community Centre and a hoist for
Derwent Hall are still under discussion.
Darwen Fire Cadets who had attended a previous meeting and asked for funding, are still
putting their application together.
12. Finance
In – £378.08 – proceeds of Mayor’s charity concert
£800 for R Hay for salary and expenses.
£50 – J Barritt – PAYE.
£10,000 – BWD contribution towards Christmas lights.
£800 – R Hay, salary and expenses.
13. Any other business