January 31st 2023 Meeting Minutes

January 31st 2023 Meeting Minutes

JANUARY 31ST, 2023

Present: Couns K. Connor, J. Hamer, J. East, D. Smith, N. Slater, M. Davies, L.Salton, S.
Brookfield, B. Taylor and P. Browne.

1.Welcome and introduction:..

2. Apologies

Coun Entwistle.

3.Declaration of interests :

Couns Smith, P Browne and N Slater on item 10.

4 Minutes of the last meeting:

These were agreed.

4.2 Floral planters

Coun East had met with Tony Watson and Eddie Maxwell of BWD re moving the planter
sign at the entrance to the town from the motorway onto a new planter on the railings as
you come off the motorway. New planter also to be purchased for Marsh House and look
for new sponsorship.

5. Public Forum

Tony Foster gave details of a radio programme which publicised the excellent work of
Keep Darwen Tidy and its founder, Janet Pearce.

6 Mayors update

Coun Brookfield had attended the special brass band concert organised for The Mayors
charity and said hopefully a lunchtime concert is to be held in the future. She had
presented a cheque from the town council to the walking football charity.

7. Deputy leaders report

Coun Connor had arranged for the lock up to emptied and transferred to the council
chamber office. The flags has been looked at and are not in good shape. Coun Connor
had attended a forum to discuss ideas to improve the town centre and it was agreed to try
and bring businesses together to enhance the town deal. This could be worked alongside
BWD. Coun Connor to speak to local business owners and BWD.

8. Scooter rally

Details of a proposed scooter rally were circulated and it was agreed to fund up to £2,000
on condition that the appropriate public liability insurance is gained and risk assessments
made and organisers to be asked to choose The Mayor’s charity for its collection on the

9. Annual grants for the football club, cricket club and heritage centre

The sporting grants of £2,500 will be paid in April, along with the heritage centre grant of

10. Correspondence including application to divert FP 91 Darwen at Lord’s Hall.

to object as it will inconvenience current users quite considerably and also
there is no indication as to why the diversion is needed.

Confirmation of a public path
order for public bridleway 208, public path creation order
2022 was received from BWD.

11. Updates

Coun Davies gave an update on the bonfire and said the concerns of the council over last
years event had been passed on. The brass band competition has been moved to June
25th and there will be a brass band street party on May 7th to mark the Kings coronation. It
was agreed to donate £100 sponsorship to the schools and nursery which received a grant
for the Queens jubilee.

Coun East gave details of a television advertising board which has been applied for and he
will forward the application to councillors for information.

Coun East to meet with Shane Johnston to discuss the renovation of industrial and
heritage items of interest.

12. Finance


£270.50 proceeds of the Mayors concert.


£790 for R Hay for salary and expenses.

£112.71 – R Hay pension

£120 LPPA pension admin.

£9.69 HMRC


£790 for R Hay for salary and expenses.

£112.71 – R Hay pension

£98 Royal Mail for postage.

£50 J Barritt, PAYE.

£500 K McAuley, removal of flags.

13. Any other business

Coun Taylor gave details of the Healthy Darwen Week from March 13th to 18th.

14 Part 2 press and public excluded

One item.

15 Date of next meeting

March 7th, Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m. Agenda items to be with the clerk by
February 27th

Author: Room Filler