July 3rd 2024 Meeting Minutes
Present: Couns Brookfield (Mayor), Hamer (Leader), Smith, Shaw, Dugan, McCaughran,
Duncan, Taylor, Gibson, Skipper, Westall.
1.Welcome and introduction:..
2. Apologies
Couns O’Garr and Dobson.
3.Declaration of interests :
Coun Taylor declared an interest on an item relating to the Royal British Legion.
4 Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed.
5. Public Forum
6 Mayor’s update
The Mayor had attended the brass band competition which had been a great success, thanks to all
for organising.
7. Leader’s report
Coun Hamer had attended the raising of the flag ceremony along with the Mayor.
8 Correspondence
BWD had sent a consultation for an application to divert FP100 Darwen at Higher Whethead Farm.
Coun Duncan had some concerns which will be relayed back to BWD to consider.
9 Updates
The noticeboard has now been repaired and Coun Smith is to organise a list of council members to
put in for public information. Also to organise a photo frame for the new council photo.
The parks committee had received an application from the Friends of Sunnyhurst Park for £1,369
towards tools needed in the park. This had been agreed by the parks committee, with concern from
Coun Duncan that the group had a large unrestricted reserve which he felt could have funded the
tools. The application was brought to the full council and agreed by all, with Coun Duncan
Coun Smith said the work at Ashton Park, which the town council gave a grant for, is progressing
well and images have been circulated by the friends.
There was concern that the Darwen Long Term Planning Board did not have a representative on it
from the town council. Representatives from the parks groups in the town have been asked for their
views on the £20m deal over 11 years.
10. Finance
£860 – R Hay for salary and expenses.
£147.50 – Clerk’s pension contribution.
£7,215 – Four Seasons for summer planting.
£150 – K Fielding for new council photos.
£1,490 – RBL badges.
£810 – Michael Duane Reproductions for scooter rally t shirts
£136.80 – Douglas Signs Ltd for noticeboard repair
£75 – Royal Mail for postage.
£50 – J Barritt
The invoice for the summer planting had been reduced because bark had been placed in the circle
bed near Boots and so no plants could be placed there.
11. Any other business
Coun Westall gave details of fly posting re rave posters and he is to ask BWD to remove them.
12 Part 2 – press and public excluded
One item.
13 Date of next meeting
September 3rd, Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m Agenda items to be with the clerk by August 26th please