July 4th 2023 Meeting Minutes

July 4th 2023 Meeting Minutes

4TH, 2023

Present: Couns S Brookfield, K. Connor, L Salton, J. Hamer, J. East, D. Smith, N. Slater,
P Browne, M Davies, B. Taylor.

1.Welcome and introduction:..

2. Apologies

Coun Entwistle.

3.Declaration of interests :

Cou Slater on the RBL and Coun Taylor on updates.

4 Minutes of the last meeting:

These were agreed.

4.1 Floral planters

Coun East said all the planters have now been planted up including the new one at Bull Hill.
There are hopes that the two new ones will be sponsored.

BWD to place one of the new planters in the island leading into Darwen from Junction 4 of
the M65.

4.2 Heritage/Industrial Past Project

Shane Johnston the artist is on with the project. The Belgrave War Memorial currently has
an undercoat of silver on, but will be gold when finished. Ashton Parks project has been
cleaned up, but needs painting and the spitfire plaque is to be completed. Coun East is in
negotiations with Crown Paints over specialist paint needed.

4.3 Future election costs
Coun Connor is liasing with BWD re the future costs.

4.4 Gullies

Coun Browne asked if the gullies had been cleaned yet as ones on Pole Lane are still
blocked, despite having assurances two years ago, that they would be cleaned. Coun
Taylor to sort out.

4.5 Darwen Live

BWD has confirmed that the concerns over the blocking of streets and overspill of bars,
will be discussed at the after event meeting and a break down of costs sent to the town

5. Public Forum

Ms Janet Pearce gave details of incidents of Yorkshire stone flags being stolen from
schools and around the area and the lack of interest from the police in sorting it all out.

Questions were asked re the rumours about the future of the Darwen market site following
the levelling up money earmarked for it. Coun Connor said the Darwen Town Deal Board
meeting to discuss this had been deferred to July 13th . Once he has details, he will
circulate and make public inorder to quell any concerns.

6 Mayors update

The Mayor had attended the Armed Forces Day parade and flag raising and also the brass
band competition, where she had presented the prizes. Thanks were expressed to Couns
Taylor and Smith for securing the loan of a 1920s cup from BWD for the event.

7. Deputy leaders report

Coun Connor said the Darwen Day event had been a great success, particularly the
drumming band and LVA dance school.

8. Correspondence

A letter asking for permission details to drive up to Darwen Tower had been passed to
Coun Connor to liaise.

9. Updates

Coun Davies to ask the town crier if he wishes to carry on as he has been absent from

Coun Davies said the cricket club and town council has publicised the fact there is no
bonfire this year .

An application for funding from Derwent Hall had been rejected.

Coun Smith said since Covid, enforcement issues had spiralled, but BWD were working
through them.

10. Finance


£50 J Barritt, PAYE

£800 for R Hay for salary and expenses.

£112.71 – R Hay pension

£5,000 Blackburn with Darwen Band, grant.

£7,520 Four Seasons for summer planting.

11. Any other business

Coun Slater thanked the town for its support at Armed Forces Day. A wobbly flag pole is to
be fixed.

Coun Taylor said repairs to the ceiling at Darwen Library Theatre had led to the
cancellation of some events, but it will soon be reopening.

Coun Connor raised the issue of broken flags in the town centre.

Coun East raised the issue of grass cutting in Darwen cemetery. Coun Smith said old
graves needed to be tended by relatives, rather than the council.

12 Part 2 press and public excluded


13 Date of next meeting

September 5
th, Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m.. Agenda items to be with the clerk by August

Author: Room Filler