July 5th 2022 Meeting Minutes

July 5th 2022 Meeting Minutes

5TH, 2022

Present: Couns S.Brookfield, K. Connor, L. Salton, J. Hamer, J. East, D. Smith, B.
Taylor, P Browne, N. Slater, M. Davies .

1.Welcome and introduction:..

2. Apologies

Couns. Entwistle and Walker.

3.Declaration of interests :

Coun East on item 5.

4 Minutes of the last meeting:

These were agreed.

5. Public Forum

Mr Tony Foster from Friends of Darwen Cemetry attended to clear up the ongoing
confusion of who is responsible for cutting the grass in the cemeteries because people
think it is the responsibility of the group. It was confirmed it is BWDs responsibility and
should be cut four times a year. Coun Browne suggested bringing the matter up at the
council forum to ensure clarity.

Ms Janet Pearce of Darwen Keep Tidy said there are also problems caused by the
wildflower areas and lack of killing un necessary vegetation. She said the wildflower areas
attract dog muck and litter.

It was agreed the town councillors on the borough will address the issues at the relevant
borough meetings.

6 Mayors update
Coun Brookfield had attended the first ever Pride festival and the Darwen Heritage Centre
meeting. She had been helped by Coun K Connor and his wife Barbara to collect money
for the Mayors charity which is Dementia Care and thanked the couple for their help and
plans to set up a special electronic fund raising facility.

7. Deputy leaders report

Coun Connor said the Darwen Day had been very successful and attracted many families.
He gave an update on the Darwen Deal and said three projects have been agreed and
now nine extra projects concentrating on employment, sport, renovations and
improvements are to be put to the Government in a bid by August.

8. Correspondence

Details of improvement work to footpaths 207, 211 and 212 carried out by BWD, were
circulated. An invitation to celebrate Darwen Heritage Centres 5th birthday was circulated.

9 Updates


The town crier had been unable to attend Darwen Day and is unable to attend the
Commonwealth baton relay, due to holidays.

Coun. Davies gave details of the bonfire and the new fireworks provider, which will cost
£2,500, with payment due before the event. This was agreed, on condition the club
arranges a suitable payment plan with the provider incase of any problems with supply.

On the town awards, Coun East confirmed a bid for football equipment from Interpro was
turned down because it was felt the market was already catered for.

A bid for money to help provide a new fence by a residents association was also rejected,
with the proviso that if the residents themselves raised half the money, the council would
re look at the application.

Following a request from the floral supplier, Coun East to look at the problems of the
planters being vandalised at Moss Bridge Post Office, planters at the slip way from the
M65 and the ones at the top of Marsh House. It was suggested trying to get the firms who
sponsored the originals to re sponsor and maybe use recycled manufactured planters to
cut down on maintenance.

10. Finance

In: Darwen Day collection for Mayors Fund – £80


£774 for R Hay for salary and expenses.

£112.71 – R Hay pension

£7,520 Four Seasons for summer planting.

£440 Lets Make for marquee check and removal of council items to lock up.

£50 J. Barritt, PAYE.
£9.69 – HMRC.

11. Any other business

It was agreed to get the names of missing past and present Mayors on the roll of honour.
Coun. Browne to organise.

12 Part 2 press and public excluded

One item.

13. Date of next meeting

September 6th
, Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m. Agenda items to be with the clerk by August
th please

Author: Rebecca Hay