June 4th 2024 Meeting Minutes

June 4th 2024 Meeting Minutes

Present: Couns Brookfield (Mayor), Hamer (Leader), Smith, Shaw, Dugan, McCaughran,
Dobson, O’Garr, Skipper, Westall.
1.Welcome and introduction:..
2. Apologies
Couns Duncan and Taylor.
3.Declaration of interests :
4 Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed.
5. Public Forum
Mr Tony Foster said the Friends of Darwen Cemetry had held a successful bat walk with local
children and wanted to apply for a grant for bat detectors which could be loaned out to schools. It
was agreed an application to the town awards, would be warranted.
6 Mayor’s update
None, The Mayor will represent Darwen on June 6th for the flag raising ceremony to commemorate
the 80th anniversary of D Day.
7. Leader’s report
Coun Hamer discussed the logistics for the up and coming brass band competition. There are
complications with the trophy presentation and it was agreed to look at purchasing a replica. It was
agreed Coun Hamer and Coun McCaughran will be on hand to help out on the competition day.
8 Correspondence
Dealt with earlier in the meeting.
9 Updates
Coun Hamer was thanked for his hard work organising the flags for the 80th anniversary of D Day
celebrations. It was agreed the council would look at future useage of the flags due to the cost
implications. Coun McCaughran took a flag which had been requested by a local shopkeeper.
Coun Westall is to organise the repairs of the noticeboard (quote £114) and it was agreed to re
draw the council coat of arms and place this on the noticeboard, along with photographs and
contact details of councillors.
10. Finance
£5,000 _ Blackburn and Darwen Brass Band for competition grant.
£850 – R Hay for salary and expenses.
£147.50 – Clerk’s pension contribution.
£1,008 – Treescape for Bold Venture Park 2nd grant.
£500 – K MacCaulay for flag erection.
The bank mandate changes re authorised signatures were agreed and the relevant forms signed.
A breakdown of Darwen Live costs is to be supplied by BWD before the town council gives its
annual contribution.
11. Any other business
12 Part 2 – press and public excluded
13 Date of next meeting
July 2nd, Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m Agenda items to be with the clerk by June 24th please

Author: Room Filler