June 6th 2023 Meeting Minutes
6TH, 2023
Present: Couns K. Connor, L Salton, J. Hamer, J. East, D. Smith, N. Slater, P Browne, M
Davies, B. Taylor.
1.Welcome and introduction:..
2. Apologies
Couns Brookfield and Entwistle.
3.Declaration of interests :
4 Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed.
4.1 Floral planters
Coun East said the new planters have arrived and are to be placed and planted up. As the
original planter at Marsh House has been replaced by a third party, the extra planter will be
placed at Bull Hill. Sponsorship is being sought from local firms. BWD to place a planter in
the island leading into Darwen from Junction 4 of the M65.
4.2 Heritage/Industrial Past Project
Shane Johnston the artist has started work on the project and is looking a costings for
respraying Darwen Tower moulds which are already up and ones which need placing. The
mould is to be maybe utilised as part of the Darwen Deal projects.
4.3 Darwen Vintage Bus
Coun East said discussions are underway to try and ensure the bus is still utilised,
especially at events.
4.4 Future election costs
BWD has indicated that future election costs would be on par with the 2021 costs. It was
agreed to set up a working group to discuss.
5. Public Forum
A question over the cleaning of back alleys was raised. Coun Smith said that only alleys
and gullies which are reported as blocked are now dealt with by BWD. Coun Browne said
he had shown BWD officials areas which needed attention and no work had been done. It
was agreed that the policy was a short term solution, but due to cost constraints.
6 Mayor’s update
The Mayor had attended Darwen Live and it was agreed the event had been a success.
The clerk to write to BWD to ask that in future years, officials ensure street entrances are
not blocked by the event, to ensure access for emergency vehicles. Also to ask for a break
down of this year’s costs.
7. Deputy leader’s report
Coun Connor said the Darwen Deal meeting has been deferred. It was agreed that the
public need to be more engaged in the deal and where the money is being spent.
8. Correspondence
9. Updates
Coun East said the grant given to Blackburn and Darwen Brass Band had been well
Darwen Brass had used their donation to attend a competition, at which they had swept
the board and crowned the overall winning band in their section.
An application for funding from Whitehall Park Supporters Group has been referred back
to the group with the advice to re submit as a parks bid.
The Friends of Ashton Park is to re submit costings for repairs to steps, which were agreed
last year, but due to inflation have risen.
Coun Davies said the cricket club is to be asked to publicise the fact there is no bonfire this
year and Coun Connor to send out a press release.
Coun Taylor said BWD had agreed to lend the brass band cup for the annual competition.
Coun Smith gave planning updates on the former Co-op bakery.
10. Finance
£795 for R Hay for salary and expenses.
£112.71 – R Hay pension
11. Any other business
12 Part 2 – press and public excluded
13 Date of next meeting
Tuesday, July 4th Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m.. Agenda items to be with the clerk by June
26th please