June Update During Coronavirus
A request from the Twogates Bowling Club for a grant of £250 to support the club during lockdown was agreed. Six for, four against and one abstainment. Coun. Browne declared a pecuniary interest.
Following concerns from residents that the floral displays are looking a little sad, it was agreed to ask Four Seasons to do as much of the summer planting as possible, bearing in mind there is a shortage of plants nationally.
Enquiries from residents regarding borough issues have been forwarded to the ward members.
The school safety A signs which were ordered before lockdown are now being manufactured and will be delivered to Coun. Brookfield.
Social media and website updates regarding council business have been organised by the website administrator.
2. Correspondence
The internal auditor has completed the examination of the books without any major issues raised.
The clerk is still working with Barclays Bank to try and sort out the paperwork needed to open an E Account in order for BACS to be used instead of cheques. This has been delayed due to the banking customer service department in India being closed currently.
Authorised payments:
£250 – Twogates Bowling Club – donation towards COVID 19 crisis.
£724.72 – R Hay, salary and expenses, including the council’s share of petrol for delivery and collection of books to and from the auditor.
£360 – J. Barritt – internal audit.
£40 – Information Commissioner for data protection.
4. Meeting
Government legislation states that parish and town councils have to hold physical rather than virtual meetings. It is proposed that a date of Tuesday, July 7th , depending on latest advice nearer the time.