March 12th 2024 Meeting Minutes
12TH, 2024
Present: Couns, K. Connor, M. Davies, B Taylor, J. Hamer, D. Smith, N. Slater, P.
1.Welcome and introduction:..
2. Apologies
Couns Entwistle, Salton, East and Brookfield.
3.Declaration of interests :
4 Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed.
5. Public Forum
Mr Tony Foster gave details of Darwen items which are being loaned to Darwen Heritage
Centre by the borough council. He thanked Coun Smith for his help and invited councillors
to a preview at the centre on March 19th between 2 and 4 p.m.
6 Mayor’s update
No events, but the Mayor had welcomed the success of the brass band’s success in a
regional final which has seen them through to the national final in September.
7. Deputy leader’s report
Coun Connor gave a report from Darwen Deal which is to meet on March 13th and said
there is to be a meeting between the borough council and the market traders on March
14th. The Balle Street site for industrial units was progressing and one firm who had
planned to move out, has now decided to stay, which is good news.
8. Welcome to Darwen sign
Coun Smith said the sign had been moved to a new location as the old one had been hit in
an accident. An old boundary sign had been discovered and it was agreed to restore this
as part of the next phase of the industrial heritage project.
9 Correspondence
Nomination packs for the new town council have been distributed.
10 Updates
Coun Davies said there are no events for the town crier until June.
Ashton Park has applied for a grant and the application will be discussed by the parks
Coun Davies said there is no events update as no events are being planned after Darwen
Live due to the works planned in the town square. Coun Connor said the events planner
Laura Johnson is planning the June event and has asked for contributions towards
providing entertainment at the artisan markets, but this is to be decided when the new
council is installed.
Coun Taylor said no grant will be needed for the Healthy Darwen Days on May 17th to 19th.
The cellars which the town council paid for during COVID have been very well used and
saved the health centre high rent.
11. Finance
£800 for R Hay for salary and expenses.
£273.99 – postage, computer security and Microsoft updates, new printer.
£645 – Find Me A Business, annual website fee.
£450 – Annual website updates fee.
£1,000 – Darwen Ladies Football grant.
£960 – A D Castings for tower moulds.
It was agreed to grant the cricket club and AFC Darwen £2,500 and Darwen Heritage
Centre, £3,000. This is the annual grant which has been the same since the tenure of the
present council. The groups can apply for further funding when the new council is installed
in May or via the town awards.
12. Any other business
13 Part 2 – press and public excluded
One item.