March 1st 2022 Meeting Minutes

March 1st 2022 Meeting Minutes



Present: Couns. L. Salton, J East, K. Connor, D. Smith, B. Taylor, E. Entwistle, M. Davies, P Browne and J. Hamer.

1.Welcome and introduction: Coun Salton invited the chamber to participate in a minute’s silence in support of the people of Ukraine.


  1. Apologies


 Couns. Walker and Brookfield.

3.Declaration of interests :


4 Minutes of the last meeting:

These were agreed.

4.1 Scroll of Honour

Coun. Connor had liaised with the former president of Darwen Lions and it had been agreed to place Tony Harrison’s name on the scroll with details a link to the suicide prevention group. He will liaise with the engraver. The other suggested names for the scroll to be decided at a later date.


4.2. Tree felling at St Albans Road

Coun Smith said the trees had been originally re planted in the wrong location, but now have been replanted in the correct place and the area is looking a lot better.

4.3 Childrens Literature Festival

Coun Taylor gave an update on the funding and said it is hoped with extra funding through the Friends of Darwen Library, the Rotary Club and other potential funders, it is hoped the festival will be held for two years. Clarification was sought over whether every primary school child will receive a book and or nursery schools. Coun. Taylor to contact the organiser.

4.4 Annual bonfire

Coun. Davies has arranged a meeting for April with the cricket club to discuss this year’s event and funding.

  1. Public Forum

Janet Pearce asked for more events in the town to be publicised via the town council website and social media. The clerk to liaise between Ms Pearce and the website administrator.

Gary Perkins gave an update on his play centre plans and the events planned for the year. Couns Salton and Taylor had assisted in getting the wheels in motion.

Members of the public had asked re jubilee plans and it was agreed to fund £100 to all the primary schools in the town to provide parties for the children. Coun. Salton to organise.

6 Mayors update

Coun Salton had attended an over 60s lunch, seen the progress at Meeting Places creating a sensory room. She also gave details of youth club services, which can be placed on the council website and social media.

  1. Deputy leaders report

Coun East gave details of the Darwen Deal progress, with another meeting planned. The funding is secure, but logistics are slower. Darwen Tower work is on holds due to renovation problems. Coun. East gave details of two Commonwealth war graves for Squire Howarth and John Farnell, which have been dedicated. He also gave details of the winter warmth fund.

  1. Council Chamber

Coun Smith to liaise with Steve Cox of BWD to ensure the council chamber is made useable for the council and public.

  1. Finance



£774.45 for R Hay for salary and expenses, plus First Aid kit to comply with health and safety.

£107.32 – R Hay pension

£540 – Find Me A Business website annual charge.

£420 – R Hay, website content annual charge.

£15 – Coun. Salton for flowers for Coun. Brookfield.

£2,500 – AFC Darwen grant for youth development in 2022.

£2,500 – Darwen Cricket Club grant for youth development in 2022.

£3,000 – Darwen Heritage Centre grant.

10 Correspondence

A request for raffle and auction prizes was made on behalf of the Whitehall defibrillator appeal.

Information received re the proposed upgrade to the existing radio base station installation at Ellenshaw Works.

BWD’s legal officer Asad Laher advised he has been provided with reference details for Coun Neil Slater regarding his war and disability pension.

11 Updates


Coun. Smith to confirm the dates for Darwen Live.

  1. Any other business


13 Part 2 press and public excluded


Two items was discussed.

  1. Date of next meeting

April 5th,  Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m.  Items for the agenda to the clerk by March 28th please.

Author: Rebecca Hay