May 18th 2022 AGM Meeting Minutes
Present: Couns. East, Connor, Salton, R Davies, M Davies, P. Browne, A Walker, D. Smith, J. Hamer, E. Entwistle, S. Brookfield and B. Taylor, plus one member of the public.
- Apologies: .
- Minutes of the last meeting
These were agreed.
- Confirmation of officers:
It was proposed and agreed that:
- The current term of office for councillors will last until May 2024 to bring elections in line with the borough council elections of that year.
- The current Mayor and Leader of the council be re-elected for a further 12 months.
- The office of Mayor will be offered to the Labour group at the AGM in May 2022 and the term of office will be two years, as per the constitution.
- The three party groups will be offered the chair of one of the three town council portfolios, ie parks, events and finance.
- The events and parks committees consists of a chair and one member from each of the three party groups.
- The finance committee consists of the three party group leaders.
- An alternative to the DTC/Crown Awards scheme to be created and in conjunction with an independent partner if possible.
- Early discussions take place with the borough about establishing a sustainable future for Darwen Live and together, with the parks, friends groups, a joint parks budget and a four year programme of projects for Darwen’s parks.
- That all three party groups be asked to submit a list of proposals they would like to see adopted by the town council. The lists to be divided between the three portfolio committees to debate and come back with reports to the full council for decisions.
- Finance
The balance sheet and annual return were accepted and the annual return signed
- Adoption of rules
These were accepted..
- Date of next meeting
May 2022.