May 19th 2021 Meeting Minutes
Present: Couns. East, Connor, Salton, R Davies, M Davies, P. Browne, A Walker, D. Smith, J. Hamer, E. Entwistle, S. Brookfield and B. Taylor, plus one member of the public.
1.Welcome and introduction: Coun Salton welcomed the newly formed council.
2.Apologies: None.
3.Declaration of interests :
4. Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed .
4.1 Darwen Heritage Centre
Mr Tony Foster from the heritage centre thanked the council for the grant to provide a professional photograph of the mural at Hollins Grove Church. This is now on display in the heritage centre and councillors agreed it was very impressive.
5. Public forum:
6 Mayor’s Update:
Coun. Salton had taken part in Easter events for schools online .
7. Deputy chairman’s update:
Coun East handed out keys for the council’s storage unit under the town hall and advised new councillors that they would need to obtain key fobs from BWD when the town hall is back in operation.
8. Finance
STC Services – £3,420 for silt removal from the pond at Sunnyhurst Woods.
£719 R Hay for salary and expenses
£107.32 – R Hay pension.
£360 – J Barritt, internal audit fee.
£40 – Information Commissioner -GDR.
£3,100 – Blackburn with Darwen Band, annual grant.
£3,840 – Ian Mason Ltd for painting of library railings.
£3,000 – Darwen Heritage Centre for second instalment of three year grant.
£39.99 – Digital River for internet security.
The annual internal audit has been completed and no issues found. The council agreed and signed the annual governance form.
9 Correspondence
A request for the second instalment of a three year grant to Darwen Heritage Centre was agreed.
10 Updates
Coun East said he hoped all the friends of parks groups would benefit from the parks fund and from working in partnership with BWD and the Darwen Deal. The work to desilt the pond at Sunnyhurst Woods will now not be paid in future for by the town council as the group has a plan to ensure they keep on top of any problems.
A proposal to provide funding for the annual Darwen Live event, set for October, was agreed, with Couns, Browne and Roy Davies opposing. The organisation of the event is to be led by BWD in conjunction with Darren James and overseen by Coun. Damien Talbot of BWD. Couns Connor and Taylor are to meet with Coun. Talbot to discuss any concerns over the impact of the event on local traders, the recruitment of local acts and any measures which may be needed depending on the COVID restrictions at the time of the event.
A grant of £7,845 has been agreed for the Darwen Day event organised by Crafty Vintage on June 5th.
A new format to replace the Crown Awards is to be formed.
11. Any other business
12. Date of next meeting
June 1st at 7 p.m. in Darwen Heritage Centre. Items for the agenda to the clerk by May 27th please.