May 23rd 2023 Meeting Minutes

May 23rd 2023 Meeting Minutes

23RD, 2023

Present: Couns K. Connor, S. Brookfield, J. Hamer, J. East, D. Smith, N. Slater, P
Browne, M Davies, B. Taylor.

1.Welcome and introduction:..

2. Apologies

Couns Salton and Entwistle.

3.Declaration of interests :


4 Minutes of the last meeting:

These were agreed.

4.2 Floral planters

Coun East said new planters are on order.

4.3 Scooter Rally

Coun Taylor has offered his support to the organisers over logisitics.

4.4 Heritage/Industrial Past Project

WEC is producing a new plaque to replace the one stolen from the spitfire.

Coun East said the Whitehall Tramway, Ashton Park and Globe projects are to be started
first. It was agreed that the current tower moulds on the railings are to be repainted. New
ones are to be made for railings opposite the post office and BWD highways has agreed to

help with the project. It was suggested extra towers are made to sell to raise funds. Coun
East to work out costings.

5. Public Forum


6 Mayors update

The Mayor had attended the St Georges Day parade and was impressed by the conduct
of the Scouts and Guides. She was also impressed by the thank you pin given to her.

Coun Brookfield had also attended the Coronation event, which had been well organised
and attended, thanks to Laura Johnson for organising.

Coun East was concerned over the future of the Darwen Vintage Bus, now Mr Peter
Dawson a trustee, was no longer an option. Coun Brookfield said she had a friend who
was a keen bus enthusiast and would probably be able to help. Coun Browne advised the
council to find out the financial implications before agreeing any changes.

7. Deputy leaders report

Coun Connor said the flags had been erected and taken down. The new poles were
slightly longer than the original ones, which had led to logistical problems. He had
organised the ticketing with BWD over the Mayoral charity event in December.

8. Correspondence


9. Updates

A request for £1,000 from Blackburn and Darwen Brass Band towards expanding
rehearsal space had been referred back to the band for more information. This had been
provided and it was agreed to award £500.

An application for funding from Whitehall Park Supporters Group has been referred back
to the group with the advice to re submit as a parks bid.

Coun Davies said the cricket club has advised that due to building work on the pavilion and
nets, they will not be able to hold the annual bonfire. It was agreed that if the work
continues into 2024, the club be asked if they could provide a fireworks display. It was also
agreed to donate the normal costings for this years bonfire to the Mayors charity, up to a
maximum of £5,000.

Coun Davies has given the town crier a list of events and he had attended the
proclamation for the new King.

10. Finance


£61,000 first instalment of the precept.

£795 for R Hay for salary and expenses.

£112.71 – R Hay pension

£459 James Hallan for brush poles for flags.

£1,000 Flag installation and removal for the Kings Coronation.

£540 J. Barritt, internal audit.

£4,686 L Johnson for extra toilets for the Coronation event and for July 1st event planning
and attractions.

£40 Information Commissioner fee.

£500 Blackburn with Darwen Band donation towards a new band room.

£500 Darwen Brass replacement cheque for one lost in the post.

The internal audit had been completed with no issues, the annual Governance statement
and return had been completed and signed.

11. Any other business

Coun Slater asked that costings for next years elections are sought from BWD, the clerk
to write and ask.

Coun Hamer asked for ideas for legacy projects to be agreed soon inorder for them to be
agreed or started before next years elections. Agreed that Coun Taylor ask BWD for
costings to light up the town hall.

12 Part 2 press and public excluded


13 Date of next meeting

June 6th Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m.. Agenda items to be with the clerk by May
h please

Author: Room Filler