Nov 5th 2024 Meeting Minutes
Present: Couns Brookfield (Mayor), Hamer (Leader), Smith, Dugan, McCaughran, Duncan,
Skipper, Westall, Shaw, O’Garr and Gibson.
1.Welcome and introduction:..
2. Apologies
Couns Taylor and Dobson.
3.Declaration of interests :
Coun O’Garr on Darwen Gala and Royal British Legion.
4 Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed.
5. Questions from residents
Mr T Foster gave details about the Friends of Darwen Cemetry service on Friday at 10-45 a.m.
which is to be represented by The Mayor of Darwen.
6. Mayor’s update
No updates.
7. Leader’s report
Coun Hamer had dealt with administrative tasks.
8 Council website
Coun Shaw gave details of the domains which town councils are encouraged to use. There
is a £50 fee to set up and the annual cost is £60, with a £100 grant available. It was agreed to do
He also gave details of prices to set up a new website, which would include town council emails and
this would be £390 per year, with a set up fee of £939. It was confirmed any change over would
result in re direction from the current website. Coun Shaw to discuss with the current provider and
take up the best deal.
9. Correspondence
Details of a temporary closure of footpath 89 Darwen were circulated, along with Cellnet
information. An invitation to sign up to the Lancashire Association of Local Councils was declined.
10 Updates
The town crier is to attend the Christmas lights switch on. BWD had requested extra funding similar
to last year, but this was rejected as that was a one off and the funding is to stay as budgeted.
Coun Smith had attended a meeting of the Friends of Bold Venture Park and there is a bench there
in memory of Mr Brian Entwistle. It was agreed to fund a plaque to include former town councillor,
Eileen Entwistle.
Coun O Garr gave details of a request for extra funding for Darwen Live. The council agreed to
keep the funding as budgeted. Coun Smith said as 2025 is to mark the 25th anniversary of the event,
it would be good to have original bands from then, on stage.
It was agreed to allocate £5,000 to the annual band competition. 2025 will mark the 10th anniversary.
Coun Brookfield to contact the organisers. Coun Hamer said the market square may be closed for
events next year while work takes place, so new venues will be needed.
Applications for funding from the town awards had been submitted by Textile Together (£281.86 for
knitting equipment) and St Edward’s Stay and Play (£812.30 for equipment) . These were agreed..
Coun Smith is to chase up restoration on Belgrave Square and it was agreed to pay half the costs of
work needed at the Boer War memorial railings, with BWD paying the other half.
11. Finance
£3,600 – S. G and J Entwistle for the Ashton Park step work
£860 – R Hay for salary and expenses.
£147.50 – Clerk’s pension contribution.
£49.90 – R Hay for stationery.
£27.50 – Poppy Appeal for wreaths
The precept for 2025/26 was set at £122,000, with no increase.
12. Any other business
The town hall is to have work done, which could mean the council chamber out of action for a
couple of meetings in 2025. Arrangements are being made to hold in Darwen Heritage Centre.
Coun Duncan invited the Mayor of Darwen and Mayor of Blackburn to the opening of a new
seafood deli. Dates for the event to be agreed.
Coun Hamer had been approached by a business wanting to create a version of the town mascot
for a venture. The town council mascot is to be found and help given to the business.
Discussions are to be held to organise a town fireworks display next year with a move away from a
traditional bonfire to holding the display in conjunction with a town council event.
13 Part 2 – press and public excluded
14 Date of next meeting
Tuesday, December 3rd, Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m Agenda items to be with The Leader and clerk
by November 21st, please.