November 3rd 2020 Meeting Minutes

November 3rd 2020 Meeting Minutes




Present: Couns Salton, East, Connor, Browne, Smith, Davies and Slater.


1.Welcome and introduction:  Coun. Salton welcomed everyone and thanked all councillors for their input during lockdown.


2.Apologies:  Coun., Entwistle, Taylor and Brookfield.



3.Declaration of interests :




  1. Minutes of the last meeting:


These were agreed and will be signed off at the next physical meeting.


4.1 Devon Street crossing


Coun. Salton confirmed work has not started on this crossing, despite promises from BWD that it would begin last month.


4.2 School A Boards


It was agreed Mark Atkinson is to collect the boards from Coun. Brookfield’s and distribute to the 8 schools, which the council agreed to donate to.


4.3 Remembrance Day


Coun. Salton said this year it would be a low key event. She will be laying the wreath in the town centre on Saturday and there will be a minute’s silence observed on November 11th. Gordon Smith, the piper will play a lament at the war memorial.


  1. Public forum:




  1. Mayors Update:


Coun. Salton had attended the unveiling of the Covid memorial bench. There had been concern the plinth was not dug in deep enough, but BWD had looked at it and all appears ok. Thanks were expressed to Coun. Taylor for organising. Coun. Salton had also attended a Halloween event at the Youth Zone which had been a great success.


  1. Deputy chairmans update:


Coun East had written to Crown Paints for a response re the awards, but so far no reply. The Darwen Deal process is ongoing and minutes of meetings are publicised via the deal and town council websites. A meeting re the mural at Hollinsgrove Church has been held and an estimate for works has been ordered and paid for by Darwen Heritage Centre. Further talks will take place once the estimate has been done.

The Food Larder has experienced some problems with deliveries. Coun. Davies said he was concerned that the project had moved to the town centre, meaning some people were too embarrassed to ask for help and he felt it was better if the service went back to using Cornfield Cliffe and if necessary, the town council provide financial support.


  1. Membership of parks committee


Coun. Browne raised concerns that the committee was now not meeting properly. It was agreed that any applications are emailed around all councillors and a final decision made based on comments, at the monthly council meeting. The Friends of Sunnyhurst Woods have applied for £3,420 for silt clearing in the paddling pool. This needs doing in pools in local parks twice a year. Coun. Davies asked if a screen to catch the silt could be placed in the pools to cut down on costs, but money would need to be available from BWD to maintain it. Coun. East to raise this as part of the Darwen Deal.


  1. Finance


In – £82.01 – WPS – insurance credit.



£700 – R Hay for salary and expenses, including webcam for Zoom.

£107.32 – R Hay pension.

£5465 – Four Seasons Garden Centre for autumn/winter planters..


10 Budget setting meeting date


It was agreed that Coun. Connor look at the budget once the pandemic eases. As the precept is agreed at £122,000 and unlikely to change, it was felt this was the sensible option. There are various ideas for Christmas, with the borough hoping to run a shop in Darwen campaign , with the town council asked for support with printing costs of the brochure. Also Crafty Vintage hopes to run a month long event, but all this depends on the lockdown.


  1. Correspondence





  1. Updates


Coun Connor is suggesting a new storage facility beneath the town hall. Cost is £93.31 per month. This could be used to store all the town council equipment currently stored at The Works. It was agreed to consult all councillors. Also agreed to try and off load the marquee.


Coun. Connor is to discuss suggestions of donations to Darwen Library Theatre with Darren James and also to look at a suggestion to provide money for books for the library. There has also been a suggestion for solar panels to light up the heritage centre, tower and town hall. The latter is to be forwarded to the Darwen Deal board.


Couns. Browne and Davies have suggested re painting the railings outside Darwen Library Theatre and Coun. East asked for the replacement of a  blown window in Darwen library. Permission for both would need to be sought from the borough. Coun. Connor to investigate the logistics and see what financial input BWD, who are responsible for both, would put in.



  1. Any other business


Coun. Browne expressed concern that not all members are attending the meetings on Zoom. This could be for a number of reasons. The clerk is available to help anyone struggling with Zoom and all items needing a decision are sent via email/post.


  1. Date of next meeting


Tuesday, December 1st, 7 p.m. Zoom meeting – . Items for the agenda to be with the clerk by November 23rd please.

Author: Rebecca Hay