Sep 5th 2023 Meeting Minutes
Present: Couns, K. Connor, J. Hamer, J. East, D. Smith, N. Slater, P Browne, B. Taylor.
1.Welcome and introduction:..
- Apologies
Coun Entwistle, Salton, Davies and Brookfield.
3.Declaration of interests :
4 Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed.
4.1 Floral planters
Coun Smith said there had been many compliments re the planters, especially the new one by the motorway. Vandals had targeted some planters and they had been replanted up.
4.2 Heritage/Industrial Past Project
Phase One is near completion and looks good. The tower project is also in hand.
4.3 Future election costs
Coun Connor has liaised with BWD’s legal officer and submitted an argument on behalf of the town council and this has been passed to a higher department at BWD.
4.4 Gullies
Coun Browne said gullies have been looked at and are being monitored. Coun East said problems occur with blockages when there are flash floods.
4.5 Darwen Live
A breakdown of costs had been circulated to councillors.
- Public Forum
6 Mayor’s update
The Mayor had attended the Rotary Club fun day which was a big success and attended by the town crier.
- Deputy leader’s report
Dealt with earlier in the meeting.
- Darwen Fire Service Cadets
Community safety advisor Daniel Broughton gave a presentation on the work the fire service does with cadets, the funding needed and the benefits the scheme has on the individuals taking part and the community. It was agreed that Couns East and Hamer would meet with Mr Broughton and discuss funding streams and help which the town council can offer.
- Policing in Darwen
Coun Smith said the numbers of neighbouring police in Darwen had reached an all time low and it was agreed to write to the Police and Crime Commissioner to ask for the reasons why this is.
- Correspondence
A vacancy on the standards committee at BWD was circulated, along with an update on the successful scooter rally and BWD draft local plan.
- Updates
Coun Davies to ask the town crier if he wishes to carry on as he has been absent from engagements.
Coun Connor said there has been a problem with the footway at Ashton Park and he had suggested clearing and using an overgrown footway by the Spinners. Coun Connor working with BWD on an idea to allow parks groups without constitutions to have financial help via directing the funds to BWD.
A request for extra funding of £150 towards children’s activities at the monthly artisan market was agreed as a one off, with the caveat that future needs are worked into the budget for the markets, which are run by BWD. Coun Taylor said the fly posters re the markets need addressing.
Following concern that there is not enough public information re the town deal, Coun Connor confirmed BWD has the money, some schemes have started and the projects outstanding are planned and funding earmarked and once finalised, all information will be made public.
- Finance
£50 – J Barritt, PAYE
£800 for R Hay for salary and expenses.
£112.71 – R Hay pension
£1,000 – Children’s Literature Festival donation.
£924 – AD Castings for Darwen Towers.
£28,000 – BWD, sponsorship for Darwen Live.
£218 – Four Seasons for extra planting of vandalised planters.
£350 – Let’s Make for extra craft sessions at fun day.
£800 for R Hay for salary and expenses.
£112.71 – R Hay pension
£504 – PKF Littlejohn for audit.
£3,701.80 – SA Johnstone – phase one for industrial heritage restoration.
£150 – Let’s Make for extra children’s sessions at artisan market.
A successful audit had been completed, all information is available via the website. A requirement for a council email address is to be resolved by the clerk.
- Any other business
Coun Browne asked for a We Love Blackburn advertising sign to be removed.
14 Part 2 – press and public excluded
15 Date of next meeting
October 3rd, Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m.. Agenda items to be with the clerk by September 25th please.