September 5th 2022 Meeting Minutes
Present: Couns K. Connor, L. Salton, J. Hamer, J. East, D. Smith, B. Taylor, P Browne,
N. Slater, M. Davies .
1.Welcome and introduction:..
2. Apologies
Couns. Entwistle, Brookfield and Walker.
3.Declaration of interests :
Coun Slater on The Royal British Legion and Coun. Taylor on Part 2 item.
4 Minutes of the last meeting:
These were agreed.
4.1 Roll of honour
Coun. Browne said the roll of honour has been updated with Mayoral names. He was
thanked by Coun Slater for organising this.
5. Public Forum
Representatives from the Royal British Legion attended to give details of a centenary
dinner in October, details to be posted on the town council social media as the event is
open to all. Coun Slater said there are funds available for people who need help paying for
the event. Details were given of a veterans club held at Blackburn Rovers community
centre from 10 am to noon on Tuesdays, it was confirmed BWD to look at the steps and
sinking memorials at Belgrave War Memorial and Coun Slater said Darwen West
Cemetery is to be tidied up.
6 Mayor’s update
Coun Brookfield had attended the Commonwealth baton relay and Pride celebrations.
Both Darwen Library Theatre and Blackburn with Darwen Brass Band have offered a free
concert to raise money for The Mayor’s Fund, Coun. Connor to try and secure an offer
from a printer to prepare the leaflets.
7. Deputy leader’s report
Coun Connor’s report covered in event updates and part 2..
8. Canon Slade bus
Coun Connor gave details of the cancellation of the 981 bus which takes children from
Darwen to the school, this was done by the operator at the last minute before the schools
returned. A number of alternative ways to school have been offered, but there is concern
from parents over the safety of children. It was agreed to write to the school governors,
Bishop Fraser Trust and the Bishop of Manchester asking them to use trust reserves to
subsidise a bus service.
9. Notice of Article 4 Direction and Consultation BWD
Coun. Smith asked for the council’s support with this proposal which aims to prevent
multiple occupancies of properties. This was agreed and will be forwarded to BWD’s
10. Flower bed opposite Boots on Market Street
Coun Smith had received complaints over the flower bed. It was agreed that Coun East
organises a tour of the various floral projects with the provider and a plan of action.
11. Correspondence
An invitation to celebrate Darwen Heritage Centre’s 5th birthday was circulated.
An invitation to attend a children’s literature event in Darwen Library on October 5th was
Information on the Suez waste project and unblocking community energy campaign via
12 Updates
The town crier to be reminded re the Christmas switch on.
A letter of congratulations to be sent to Darwen Cricket Club on their success as
Lancashire league champions.
Coun Davies gave an update on the bonfire, the fireworks deposit has been paid. It was
agreed to fund permanent lighting at the cost of £344.70. The brass band concert will take
place this weekend as part of the Heritage Open Weekend which will have around eight
events, Remembrance Day plans are underway.
Coun East has been working with Coun Smith and local residents to ensure the historical
interior is not lost when the former Nat West bank is converted.
The awards committee had re looked at an application for fencing following a pledge by a
residents’ association to pay monies towards it. It was proposed that the town council also
contribute. All in agreement, except Coun Slater, against and Coun. Browne abstained.
It was agreed to discuss at the next meeting ideas for legacy projects.
13. Finance
£784 for R Hay for salary and expenses.
£112.71 – R Hay pension
£1,250 – Optimum Fireworks deposit,
£3,000 – Children’s Literature Festival.
£50 – P. Browne for roll of honour sign writing
14. Any other business
Dealt with in the meeting.
15 Part 2 – press and public excluded
Two items.
16. Date of next meeting
October 3rd , Darwen Town Hall, 7 p.m. Agenda items to be with the clerk by September
26th please